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A Study on the Antecedents and Consequences of Work Flow


In order to identify the relationships between work flow and its antecedents and work flow and its consequences, correlation analysis, path analysis, and hierarchical multiple regression analysis were performed by using the responses from 1,016 people working at various settings. Job characteristics and transformational leadership were included in this study as job-related antecedents of work flow. It was found that both job characteristics and transformational leadership have relatively stronger impact on work flow than impact on other similar constructs(job engagement, job involvement, and organizational commitment), while job characteristics had stronger impact than transformational leadership. Also in the relationships between individual-related antecedents(e.g., personality) and work flow, all the individual-related antecedents had strong impact on work flow. Among the individual-related antecedents personality had relatively stronger impact than self-efficacy and achievement needs. In addition, the results indicated work flow rather than other similar constructs strongly affected the job-related consequences such as task performance, turnover intention, and mental health, while job involvement had relatively stronger impact on job satisfaction. Besides, it was found that work flow rather than other similar constructs strongly affected the individual-related consequences such as life satisfaction and negative affects, while job engagement had relatively stronger impact on positive affect. Work flow had incremental validity in predicting all of the consequence variables because it showed incremental variance beyond variances explained by job engagement, job involvement, and organizational commitment Finally, the implications and limitations of this study were discussed, and the future research directions were suggested.

work flow, job involvement, job engagement, positive psychological experience, incremental validity, 일몰입, 직무관여, 직무열의, 긍정적 심리 경험, 증분 타당도, work flow, job involvement, job engagement, positive psychological experience, incremental validity



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