open access
ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to test a model of biopsychosocial perspective in which employees' health problems affect negative job outcomes through stress-related emotional experiences. The proposed model explored distress in diabetes as a type of specific strain in individuals with diabetes. It investigated the effect of the distress in diabetes on job burnout and work-health conflict, and also examined the mediation effect of the diabetic stress from two predictors, severity of diabetes and inauthenticity. A survey and a blood test were conducted to 172 employed diabetic workers, and tested the proposed model using equational structural modeling. Results largely supported the model. Results showed that distress in diabetes is influenced by severity of diabetes and inauthenticity, and affects the two work outcomes, showing partial and full mediation effects. From the notion that emotional experience of diabetic individuals has a critical role in work behaviors and following improvement from the illness, theoretical and practical implications were provided.
In order to identify the relationships between work flow and its antecedents and work flow and its consequences, correlation analysis, path analysis, and hierarchical multiple regression analysis were performed by using the responses from 1,016 people working at various settings. Job characteristics and transformational leadership were included in this study as job-related antecedents of work flow. It was found that both job characteristics and transformational leadership have relatively stronger impact on work flow than impact on other similar constructs(job engagement, job involvement, and organizational commitment), while job characteristics had stronger impact than transformational leadership. Also in the relationships between individual-related antecedents(e.g., personality) and work flow, all the individual-related antecedents had strong impact on work flow. Among the individual-related antecedents personality had relatively stronger impact than self-efficacy and achievement needs. In addition, the results indicated work flow rather than other similar constructs strongly affected the job-related consequences such as task performance, turnover intention, and mental health, while job involvement had relatively stronger impact on job satisfaction. Besides, it was found that work flow rather than other similar constructs strongly affected the individual-related consequences such as life satisfaction and negative affects, while job engagement had relatively stronger impact on positive affect. Work flow had incremental validity in predicting all of the consequence variables because it showed incremental variance beyond variances explained by job engagement, job involvement, and organizational commitment Finally, the implications and limitations of this study were discussed, and the future research directions were suggested.
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the age difference in road crossing behavior. The participants were instructed to report whether they can cross the road(this road scene the other elements relating to road crossing were recorded previously and projected the simulation screen) after the leading vehicle passed them(i. e., before the target vehicle arrived). The participants' judgment accuracy and response bias were analyzed by using signal detection theory. The results showed that the old group tended to be less sensitive and more conservative in deciding road crossing. This tendency implies that the aged group's low sensitivity can be one of the major factors of their high accident rate in road-crossing situation.
We have analyzed the effects of road signs' amount of legend on drivers' reaction time and error through a experiment and find out a appropriate level of road signs' legends. In the simulation experiment, 30 subjects had to memorize the route for the destination and choose 'turning right/left' or 'going straight' at each intersection under 3 speed conditions(60km/h, 80km/h and 100km/h). In the simulation, 17 road signs, which contain 4~10 legends each, had been shown to the subjects. As the results, increased amount of legends resulted longer drivers' reaction time and error. This results mean that excessive given legends on the signs could obstruct drivers searching and cognition while they are driving.
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between the HEXACO six personality factors(Honesty, Emotionality, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Openness, and Conscientiousness) and a variety of performance in work organizations. First of all, some items of modesty(subfactor of Honesty) in Korean HEXACO personality inventory were modified and half-length form(96 items) of Korean HEXACO personality inventory was constructed by using 353 undergraduates sample. The half-length form of Korean HEXACO personality inventory was administered to 315 employees and personality ratings were obtained by self-report. The sixty-three peers or supervisors who knew employees very well rated employees` six personality factors and their various performance(task performance, contextual performance, adaptive performance, workplace deviance, and overall performance). Correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were conducted to examine the relationships between the six personality factors and the five performance criteria. Results indicated that the six personality factors by both self and other rating were found to have significant relationships with the five performance criteria. Also, hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted to examine the influence of the six personality factors on each of the five performance criteria controlling for differences in employees` demographic variables(gender, age, and tenure) which were entered into the regression equation first. The result showed that six personality factors significantly explained the variance of most performance criteria after controlling for the effect of demographic variables. Task performance had the strongest impact on overall performance. And the second was adaptive performance, the third was workplace deviance, and the forth was contextual performance. Workplace deviance mediated the relationship between Honesty and overall performance, and task performance mediated the relationship between Conscientiousness and overall performance. Based on these findings, the implication of this study and the directions for further research were discussed.
This study examined the effects of different percentages of incentive pay on the performance of a simulated work task when the opportunities for off-task behaviors were available. The independent variable was the percentage of incentive pay. Three percentages of incentive pay were examined: 0%, 30%, and 50%. An alternating treatment design was adopted. The three experimental conditions were randomly alternated for each participant, each experimental condition being administered seven times for the whole experiment. Participants were 4 college students. Participants performed a simulated work task on the computer that consisted of computer-related activities such as dragging, clicking, and typing. The dependent variables were the number of correctly completed work tasks and the amount of idle time (time spent for engaging in off-task behaviors). The results indicated that the performance under the 30% and 50% incentive conditions were significantly higher than that under the 0% condition. However, performance under the 30% and 50% conditions did not differ statistically. Also, the amount of idle time under the 0% condition was higher than that under the 30% and 50% conditions, while the amount of idle time under the 30% and 50% conditions did not differ statistically. In addition, it was revealed that performance was significantly correlated with the amount of idle time(r=-.983). The results suggest that more realistic simulation is necessary to examine the effects of different percentages of incentive on work performance.