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The Relationship among Illness, Stress, and Work Outcome: A Biopsychosocial Perspective for Employee with Diabetes


The purpose of this study was to test a model of biopsychosocial perspective in which employees' health problems affect negative job outcomes through stress-related emotional experiences. The proposed model explored distress in diabetes as a type of specific strain in individuals with diabetes. It investigated the effect of the distress in diabetes on job burnout and work-health conflict, and also examined the mediation effect of the diabetic stress from two predictors, severity of diabetes and inauthenticity. A survey and a blood test were conducted to 172 employed diabetic workers, and tested the proposed model using equational structural modeling. Results largely supported the model. Results showed that distress in diabetes is influenced by severity of diabetes and inauthenticity, and affects the two work outcomes, showing partial and full mediation effects. From the notion that emotional experience of diabetic individuals has a critical role in work behaviors and following improvement from the illness, theoretical and practical implications were provided.

Distress in diabetes, Job burnout, Work-health conflict, Inauthenticity, Diabetic workers, Distress in diabetes, Job burnout, Work-health conflict, Inauthenticity, Diabetic workers, 당뇨병관련 긴장, 직무탈진, 일-건강 갈등, 가식지각, 당뇨병 근로자



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