open access
ISSN : 1229-0696
The core aspect of emotional labor is emotional regulation behavior to resolve emotional dissonance between emotional display rules that the organizations require and employee's felt emotion. In this study, we tested attribution about emotional dissonance and positive mood as antecedents of emotional regulation behavior and display rule fairness perception as a moderator. Because emotional labor has a mechanism using emotion that change in individual everyday, we used experience sampling method to free our research from reliance on respondents'(possibly biased) recall and to resolve the problem that one time sampling has. And then, we analyzed this model by using hierarchical linear model that can explain the difference between within-individual level and between-individual level. This study tested research model using data collected from 39 employees of domestic financing service company for 7days. At first, we found that attribution about emotional dissonance has an impact on emotional regulation behavior. Employees who attribute to internal reason show deep acting and employees who attribute to external reason show surface acting. Secondly, positive mood has an impact on emotional regulation behavior. Individuals who have positive mood show deep acting less than who don't have. Thirdly, display rule fairness perception moderates relationship between attribution and emotional regulation behavior. If employees think their rules unfair, they show deep acting less and surface acting more regardless of attribution. At last, display rule fairness perception moderates relationship between positive mood and emotional regulation behavior. If employees feel their rules fair, they show deep acting more regardless of mood. Finally, the theoretical and practical implications of this study were discussed, and the limitation of this study and several directions for future research were also suggested.
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