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The Effects of Person-Environment Fit and Honestyon Workplace Deviance


The first purpose of this study was to identify components of Korean workplace deviance and develop a measurement scale(Study 1). The second purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a variety of person-environment fit (person-organization, person-group, person-job, and person-supervisor fit) and honesty on workplace deviance and testify the moderating effect of honesty in the relationship between these person-environment fits and workplace deviance(Study 2). In Study 1, we collected workplace deviance items by literature review, open-ended questionnaire, and group interview. After deleting overlapped, similar, and inappropriate items, we finalized 60 items of workplace deviance. We performed the exploratory factor analysis using data from 199 job incumbents and found three factors of workplace deviance: dishonesty behavior, rule-violating behavior, and physical or verbal violence. Then we validated the three-factor structure by the confirmatory factor analysis using a different sample of 208 job incumbents. In Study 2, a total of 371 employees in work organizations were surveyed in order to examine the effects of a variety of person-environment fit and honesty on workplace deviance and testify the moderating effect of honesty in the relationship between these person-environment fits and workplace deviance. The results showed person-organization fit, person-group fit, person-job fit, person-supervisor fit, and honesty were negatively related to workplace deviance. The relationship between person-environment fits and workplace deviance were similar to the previous results when we applied polynomial regression and response surface methodology. Although honesty didn't moderate the relationship between person- organization fit and workplace deviance, honesty moderated the relationships between three different person-environment fits(person-group fit, person-job fit, and person-supervisor fit) and workplace deviance. Based on these results, the implication and limitation of this study and the direction for future research were discussed.

Person-Organization Fit, Person-Group Fit, Person-Job Fit, Person-Supervisor Fit, Workplace Deviance, Honesty, Moderating Effect, 개인-조직 부합, 개인-부서 부합, 개인-직무 부합, 개인-상사 부합, 직장 내 일탈행동, 정직성, 조절효과, Person-Organization Fit, Person-Group Fit, Person-Job Fit, Person-Supervisor Fit, Workplace Deviance, Honesty, Moderating Effect



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