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ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of rating format(Likert, Behavioral description rating format) and scale type(balanced scale, positively unbalanced scale) on leniency error and halo effect in 360° feedback. The competency scale developed to appraise the job performance of employees in a large Korean company was administered to a sample of 440 raters who are composed of oneself, supervisor, subordinate, and peer. The raters of four groups rated the level of 133 ratees on thirty core competencies of the company through the 5-point scale. The results of 22 ANOVA and degree of skewness analysis indicated that positively unbalanced scale showed less leniency than the conventional measure of balanced scale, while there was no effect of rating format. Furthermore, the results of analyses of both standard deviation and correlation demonstrated that Behavioral description rating was more effective in reducing halo effect than Likert scale format. However, no scale effect was found since the two analyses of standard deviation and correlation produced inconsistent results. Finally, the limitations and future direction of the present study were discussed.
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