open access
메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
We researched the effects of amount of information given by road sign and distracted driving behaviors on driver's road sign search task. We focused on amount of legend in road sign, defined amount of information as numbers of legend in road sign. 91 drivers took part in this study, all subjects were asked to memorize a driving route and find right direction as soon as they could in 17 intersections. 45 drivers of them were asked to do a secondary task, as distracted driving behavior while they are selecting direction. The secondary task was reverse-digit counting. We analyzed drivers' reaction time and errors. The result showed that as amount of legend increases, the subjects' reaction time and error also increases. And reaction time of the subjects who were asked to count revered-digit was delayed than who were not. Subjects with distraction showed more delayed reaction time and showed more error than subjects without distraction did. And we could see that older subject showed delayed reaction time. Finally, we discussed the interaction effects of distracted driving behavior and age on drivers' reaction time and errors when they decision making about their route.
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