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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
The purposes of this study were to estimate the likelihood of voluntary turnover at different tenure points of early-career individuals in the Korean workforce and to take a closer look at the role of job satisfaction and person-job fit in voluntary turnover process of these individuals. Korean youth panel survey data were analyzed via event history analysis. The results indicated that the strength of the job satisfaction-turnover relationship decreases as the time interval between the measurement of job satisfaction and occurrence of turnover. However, the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover appears to be consistent regardless of organizational tenure. Individuals who perceived themselves as overeducated are more likely to leave their jobs compared to those whose job level fits their education. Perceived fit between subject of study and job was negatively related to turnover. The effects of person-job fit on turnover were completely mediated by job satisfaction. The results are discussed in terms of the role of time in the study of turnover.
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