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ISSN : 1229-0696
We have conducted an laboratory experiment to understand the necessary time for drivers' visual adaptation at the tunnels. For this study, we used some lightning equipments to reproduce the tunnel and roads environment of sunny daylight time, because drivers need the longest necessary time for the visual adaptation under this lightning condition. We reproduced lightning conditions which are kin to ‘Black-hole Effects’ and ‘White-hole Effects’, then measured the subjects' reaction patterns to the visual stimulus. As the experimental task, the subject are told to press the spacebar as soon as possible when they saw single digit on the 17" CRT monitor and say which digit it was as correct as possible. The lightning conditions divided into two; ‘Brightness’ and ‘Darkness’. The luminance of brightness condition was 6443.33cd/㎡ and darkness condition had 5.26cd/㎡ which are simular to the environments of tunnels' inside and boundary. As the result, we could confirm the subjects' visual adaptation completion between 2 and 3 seconds after the lightning alternation in all conditions. We expected the effects of age on the difference of necessary time for visual adaptation, however, there was no significant difference among three age groups. We also could find the difference of reaction time among the age groups, and elderly subjects showed significantly longer reaction time than any others. This difference could be explained by effects of aging. This experiment's result would be a helpful clue to design tunnels and near roads for drivers' safety.
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