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The Effects of Goal orientation on newcomer's Organizational Socialization: The Mediating Effect of socialization Tactics


Recent studies on organizational socialization have started to consider newcomers as an proactive entity in the process of adaptation to the organization. The present study examined the role of proactive behavior and impression management in organizational socialization. Based on data from 184 newcomers of 11 organizations, we tested the mediating relationships among goal orientation, socialization tactics, and organizational socialization via Structural Equation Modeling(SEM). The results are summarized as follows. First, newcomer's socialization tactics had significant effects on organizational socialization. Secondly, newcomer's goal orientation significantly affected their socialization tactics. Thirdly, the results of Sobel tests showed that newcomers' proactive behavior mediated the relationship between mastery goal orientation and organizational socialization. In addition, assertive impression management mediated the relationship between performance-approach goal orientation and organizational socialization. Contrary to our prediction, defensive impression management did not mediate the relationship between performance- avoidance goal orientation and organizational socialization. The implications and directions for future research were also discussed.

목표지향성, 사회화전략, 조직사회화, goal orientation, socialization tactics, organizational socialization



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