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ISSN : 1229-0696
In this thesis, the effects of abusive supervisors on employee behavior, especially deviant behavior in the workplace, are empirically verified. The aim is to determine the negative effects on both individuals and organizations. Deviant behavior in the workplace was divided into organizational deviance and supervisor -directed deviance in order to determine the effects of abusive supervision in the respective areas. In addition, regarding variables that moderate the relationship between abusive supervision and deviant behavior, the individual characteristic of self-esteem and the status of psychological empowerment of employees are studied in order to analyze their moderating effects. For the empirical analysis, 271 employees from 40 corporations were surveyed, and from the analysis of the collected data, the effects of abusive supervision on deviant behavior of employees in the workplace were confirmed. The results were as follows; firstly; abusive supervision increases not only deviant behavior towards supervisors but also towards the organization Secondly, moderating effects of self-esteem were unverified in the relationship between the deviant behavior of employees towards their supervisors and organizations; however, moderating effects of self-esteem seemed significant in the relationship between abusive supervision and deviant behavior of employees Thirdly, it was determined that psychological empowerment has a moderating effect in the relationship between abusive supervision and deviant behavior of employees in the workplace.
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