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The Relation Between Employees' Motivation for Self-Development and Psychological Well-Being


This study identifies whether different types of self-development motivation exist among salaried workers based on the self-determination dimensions guided by the Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985). The study examines whether self-development motivation with a higher level in self-determination are more strongly related to psychological well-being. Furthermore, the study examines whether fulfillment of basic psychological needs (competence, autonomy, and relatedness) mediates the relationship between different types of self-development motivation and psychological well-being. Finally, the study investigates the role of personal growth initiative and autonomy supportive environment as antecedent variables predicting self-development motivation. Explorative factor analysis (EFA) yielded the four dimensions of self-development motivation (i.e. intrinsic motivation, identified regulated motivation, introjected regulated motivation, and externally regulated motivation). Structural equation modeling (SEM) was performed on the group of employees (N = 200) currently involved in the self-development activity. The SEM analysis revealed that intrinsic self-development motivation alone predicts psychological well-being, and basic psychological need satisfaction fully mediates the relationship between intrinsic motivation and psychological well-being. Next, personal growth initiative was significantly related to intrinsic motivation, but autonomy supportive environment was not. In addition, Intrinsic motivation partially mediated the association between personal growth initiative and basic need satisfaction, which subsequently led psychological well-being. The study findings suggest that employees' self-development may lead psychological well-being only when including enjoyment and personal interests because intrinsic self-development motivation alone fulfills basic psychological needs. Additionally, the results indicate that personal growth initiative may play an important role in promoting intrinsic self-development motivation, which in turn leads to psychological well-being.

자기계발 동기, 심리적 안녕감, 기본적 욕구 충족, 자기성장 주도성, self-development motivation, psychological well-being, basic psychological need satisfaction, personal growth initiative



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