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Factor structure of the multifactor leadership model for the Korean MLQ Form 5-45


The purpose of this study was to compare alternative models of factor structure of the Korean MLQ Form 5-45. For this purpose, MLQ Form 5-45 was administrated to 700 employees by field survey method, then data were collected from 616 participants and statistically were analysed. 6 models were compared to test the level of fitness with data from Koran MLQ Form 5-45: Two factors model, three factors model(A), threes factor model(B), six factors model(A), six factors model(B), and nine factors model. Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, and Confirmative Factor Analysis were used to statistically analysis data. Results showed that nine factors model was best fitted to data than others. This model suggest that Korean MLQ Form 5-45 is consist of 9 factors of original MLQ Form 5-45 version. Discussion focused on the need to further examine the construct of Korean MLQ.

다요인 리더십질문지(MLQ), 변혁적 리더십, 거래적 리더십, 자유방임적 리더십, MLQ, transformational leadership, transactional leadership, laisser-faire leadership



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