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Identification of Sequential Relationship between Job Burnout and Emotional Labor of Call Center Employees


The purpose of this study was to investigate the sequential relationship between job burnout and emotional labor. For this purpose, We hypothesized two structural equation models and compared their fit indices to examine whether emotional labor elicited job burnout or surface acting was resulted from job burnout. Hypothetical models of this study was based on Schaufeli & Bakker(2004)'s job demand -resource model and job burnout models of Yi et al.(2006)'s. Exogenous variables in this hypothetical models were job demands(which includes customer-related social stressor, work overload) and job resources(which includes community, control, reward, value and fairness). 478 female call center employees participated in the study. The results of structural equation modeling revealed that the fit indices of the model which hypothesized the effects of job burnout on surface acting and job engagement on deep acting was better than the model which hypothesized the effects of emotional labor on job burnout and engagement. In addition, not only customer-related social stressor, work overload and job engagement had a direct effect on job burnout and engagement, but it also had a significant indirect effect on emotional labor mediated by job burnout and job engagement. Limitations of the study and the directions for future study were discussed.

콜센터, 직무탈진, 정서노동, 직무자원, 직무요구, 직무열의, call center, job burnout, emotional labor, job resource, job demand, job engagement



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