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A Validation study and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Traffic Accident Risk Index(TARI)


This study was conducted to determine what factors the traffic accident risk index (TARI) consists of and whether the index is validly influential and convincing as a standard to measure the traffic accident proneness of drivers. To attain this objective, the TARI of 6 items was applied to 352 drivers. Based on the existing studies, the TARI was hypothesized in a model of 2 factors, i.e. near accident and accident anxiety and a model of 3 factors (near accident, self-evaluation of accident anxiety and surrounding evaluation of accident anxiety), and a confirmatory factor analysis was made of each model. The analysis revealed that the TARI of 3 factors was more appropriate than that of 2 factors. To determine whether the TARI is valid as a standard to indicate traffic proneness, this study examined to what extent a driver’s dangerous driving behaviors threatening traffic safety (regressive counteraction) affected and explained his/her past accident experiences and TARI. The findings showed that such behaviors affected and explained the TARI much more than the past accident experiences. Accordingly, the TARI of 3 factors proved to be a standard valid to measure the traffic accident proneness of a driver.

driving stress, coping behavior, traffic accident, path analysis, 교통사고, 확인적 요인분석, 타당화, 위험지수



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