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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
This study was conducted to determine what factors the traffic accident risk index (TARI) consists of and whether the index is validly influential and convincing as a standard to measure the traffic accident proneness of drivers. To attain this objective, the TARI of 6 items was applied to 352 drivers. Based on the existing studies, the TARI was hypothesized in a model of 2 factors, i.e. near accident and accident anxiety and a model of 3 factors (near accident, self-evaluation of accident anxiety and surrounding evaluation of accident anxiety), and a confirmatory factor analysis was made of each model. The analysis revealed that the TARI of 3 factors was more appropriate than that of 2 factors. To determine whether the TARI is valid as a standard to indicate traffic proneness, this study examined to what extent a driver’s dangerous driving behaviors threatening traffic safety (regressive counteraction) affected and explained his/her past accident experiences and TARI. The findings showed that such behaviors affected and explained the TARI much more than the past accident experiences. Accordingly, the TARI of 3 factors proved to be a standard valid to measure the traffic accident proneness of a driver.
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