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The Influence of Organizational Silence on Turnover Intention: Mediated Moderating Effect of Self-Efficacy through Organizational Cynicism


The purpose of this study is to examine the interaction effects of self-efficacy on the process that organizational silence affects turnover intention and the meditated moderation of interaction effects through organizational cynicism. 390 employees were surveyed, of which 329 responses were analyzed. Results indicated that organizational silence had greater effects on turnover intention for people who were higher in self-efficacy. Findings also showed that these moderating effects were fully mediated by organizational cynicism. Specifically, these interaction effects of self-efficacy were found in both paths of mediated effect(organizational silence->organizational cynicism, organizational cynicism->turnover intention). From these results, we discussed the interrelationship among these three variables on turnover intention and provided suggestions for future study.

조직침묵, 이직의도, 조직 냉소주의, 자기 효능감, 매개된 조절효과, Organizational Silence, Turnover Intention, Organizational Cynicism, Self-Efficacy, Mediated Moderation



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