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A Study on the Effects of LMX through Multilevel Approach


The recent LMX literature has suggested the possible application of the multilevel approach to study, the results of LMX. Since, in a general organization setting, the leader and members belong to a common group and this group also belong hierarchically to the organization with other groups, the attitudes and behaviors of the focal member in LMX could be influenced by the factors at the higher levels such as group or organization, which should be understand hierarchically in the frame of the multilevel approach. In this light, this study focusing on the formation and results of LMX was analyzed by the multilevel statistic modeling(i.e. HLM). According to the suggestions of the previous research, we propose the moderating effect of LMX differentiation and procedural justice climateon the relationship between LMX quality and outcomes. To test hypotheses, we collected the survey data from 257 members and 44 group leaders in a domestic manufacturing company. The result to verify the moderate effect of group variables has found that the LMX differentiation moderated the relation between LMX and affective commitment, the procedural justice climate moderated the relation between LMX quality and organizational citizenship behavior.

LMX differentiation, procedural justice climate, multilevel approach, LMX 차별화, 절차공정성 풍토, 다수준접근



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