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The Relationship of Employability and OCB: Job Insecurity, Organizational Anxiety, and Job Engagement as Mediators


This study aims to examine the relationship between employability(i.e., subjective perception or beliefs about possibilities of getting new employment and maintaining current employment) and organizational citizenship behavior(OCB) when job insecurity, organizational anxiety, and job engagement were considered as mediators. Based on the questionnaire data gathered from 221 currently employed workers, the Covariance Structural Modeling(CSM) analysis was conducted. The results indicated that the effect of employability on OCB was mediated by the variables of job instability, organizational anxiety, and job engagement, rather than directly related to each other. In particular, employability was positively related to OCB both by negative mediating effects of job instability and organizational anxiety, but by positive mediating effect of job engagement. Also, it was found that employability, job instability, and job engagement induced higher positive relationship with OCBO(organizational citizenship behavior directed at organization) than with OCBI(organizational citizenship behavior directed at individual), whereas organizational anxiety induced higher negative relationship with OCBO than with OCBI.

Employability, Organizational Citizenship Behavior(OCB), Job Insecurity, Organizational Anxiety, Job Engagement, 고용경쟁력, 직무 불안정성, 조직불안, 직무열의, 조직시민 행동



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