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ISSN : 1229-0696
The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between the job stress of the private security guards, mental health and coping strategy. The subject was the 107 employees of private security company located in Seoul. They were gathered to be entrained job-specific skills in the training institute. The measurement scale for the job stress was KOSS(Korean Occupational Stress Scale) developed by Kim etc.(2005), for mental health was MMPI-2(Minnesota Multiphasic Psychological Inventory-2) and for coping strategy was the Coping Checklist developed by Folkman & Lazarus(1985). The results of the study were as follows : First, The physical environment, job demand and insufficient job control were perceived high level as the job stressors among the private security guards. Second, overall job stress level were positively correlated with psychosomatic symptoms and interpersonal conflict represented as the increased scores of Hs(Hypochondriasis), D(Depression), H(Hysteria), Pd(Psychopathic Deviate), Si(Social Introversion) scale of MMPI-2. Third, There were significant correlations between Ma(Hypomania) and Problem solving, Wishful Thinking, Emotion-Focused coping. And D(Depression), Pd(Psychopathic Deviate), Pa(Paranoia) scale had significant correlations with Problem solving, Seeking social support. Finally, as the result of multiple regression analysis, the Pd(Psychopathic Deviate) and Ma(Hypomania) scale of MMPI-2 were identified as important variables affecting stress coping strategy, and these two scales seem to represent personal characteristic of private security guards. Further and mord detailed study needs to be conducted to clarify the relationship between job stress, mental health and coping strategy of private security guards.
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