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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which fit between individuals and the organization fit(P-O fit) were related to job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment. Through convenience sampling, the respondents for this study were 226 employees in Seoul, Busan, and Incheon in South Korea. To analyze the effects of P-O fit on outcomes, this study carried out hierarchical regression analysis using squared differences() and response surface methodology using polynomial regression analysis. In the case of 'democratic' and 'team orientation' values, P-O fit was not significantly related to outcomes but only organizational values were significantly related to outcomes. In addition, considering response surface methodology and principal axis, there was additional valuable information which was not obtained simply by utilizing squared differences. The present study has a special meaning because this research tried to control the effects of personal values and organizational values and to complement response surface methodology based on Edwards & Cable(2009)'s recommendation.
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