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A Study on the Relationship of Team Members' Competitiveness, Team Commitment and Team Satisfaction: A Mediating Role of Relationship Conflict


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between team members' competitiveness, team commitment and team satisfaction, and also mediating roles of relationship conflict on the relationship between competitiveness and team commitment and satisfaction. Data were gathered from 285 employees. Results of correlational analyses showed that team members' competitiveness was significantly related to both team commitment and team satisfaction. Second, team members' relationship conflict fully mediated the relationship between team members' competitiveness and team commitment and partially mediated the relationship between competitiveness and team satisfaction. Third, verbal aggression and leader's consideration moderated the relationships between team members' competitiveness and relationship conflict. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study and the direction for future research were discussed.

Team members' competitiveness, Team commitment, Team satisfaction, Relationship conflict, Verbal aggression, Leader's considerate behavior, 팀내경쟁, 팀 몰입, 팀 만족, 관계갈등, 언어적 공격성, 리더의 배려적 행동



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