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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
The study delved into the impact of intragroup conflict on turnover intentions and cultural commonalities and differences in job satisfaction that mediates the relationship. To identify correlations among intragroup conflict, job satisfaction and turnover intentions for each Korean and Chinese employee, the study analyzed questionnaires used to survey Korean employees working at Korean companies and Chinese workers in Korean companies based in China. The study divided intragroup conflict into two types - relation conflict and task conflict - and looked into the impact of each conflict on turnover intentions, and found that both types of conflict heightened turnover intentions of both Korean and Chinese workers. The study also attempted to prove the mediating effects of job satisfaction on the relationship between relation conflict and task conflict, and turnover intentions. As a result, mediating effects were found only in the relationship between relation conflict and turnover intentions among Chinese employees, while Korean workers saw the same effects only in the relationship between task conflict and turnover intentions. The above-mentioned results indicate the following implications. Firstly, there were common effects of intragroup conflict on turnover intentions for both Korean and Chinese employees. Such effect can be understood from culture universal perspective. Secondly, differences emerged in the mediating effects of job satisfaction in the relationship between turnover intentions and intra-group conflicts. That is understandable from culture specific perspective. Thirdly, the result that can be inferred from the aforementioned findings is that when it comes to cross-cultural research on methods of management, it is important to consider two types of approaches - culture universal and culture specific approaches. Lastly, the study also indicated that companies operating overseas should seek both localized and global management.
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