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Relationships of Burnout with Job Attitudes and Turnover Intention among Koreans: A Meta-Analysis


Two representative job attitudes (job satisfaction and organizational commitment) and turnover intention were meta-analytically examined in relation to burnout using articles published in Korean journals. In total, 11560 employees from 42 samples were included. The results showed that the three dimensions of burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment) were negatively related with job satisfaction and affective commitment and positively related with turnover intention. Dimensions of job satisfaction (global versus overall facets), measurements of affective commitment, measurements of burnout, and job types were found as potential moderators. Taking steps to reduce burnout is recommended not only for individual health but also for organizations because it can promote job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Results also suggest that job types should be considered when dealing with burnout. This study summarized the status of the current research trend in the area and directed the future research orientation, although the exclusion of unpublished studies was a clear limitation. Overall, the results called for more empirical studies in the field.

burnout, job attitude, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intention, meta-analysis, 직무소진, 직무태도, 직무만족, 조직몰입, 이직의도, 메타분석



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