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The Relationship Between Reaction and Learning in Leadership Training: Focus on Moderating Effect of Trainee's Difference Variable


This study examined the relationship between ‘reaction’ and ‘learning’ based on the Kirkpatrick's training evaluation model, with an emphasis on the moderating effect of trainee's difference variable(goal-orientation, openness to experience, extraversion). The survey data from a job training class of 212 employees were analyzed. The results of the study are summarized as follows; First, the three dimensions of reaction(enjoyment, usefulness, difficulty) predicted subjective learning significantly. In other words, when trainees felt enjoyment or usefulness about their training program, effect of learning increased. However, learning was decreased as they felt difficulties in training program. Second, the result showed that among trainee's individual difference variables, mastery goal-orientation, performance goal-orientation, and extraversion had positive effect on learning while openness to experience had not any effect. Third, this result proved to have a moderating effect of some trainee's individual difference variables in the relationship between reaction and learning. Specifically, extraversion moderated the relationship between enjoyment and learning positively. Goal-orientation did not moderat the relationship between difficulty and learning. Extraversion had neigher main effect nor moderating effect on learning. Finally, limitation of the study and the direction for future research were discussed.

reaction criteria, learning criteria, goal-orientation, extraversion, openness, reaction criteria, learning criteria, goal-orientation, extraversion, openness, 학습준거, 반응준거, 수행목표지향성, 숙달목표지향성, 외향성, 개방성



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