open access
ISSN : 1229-0696
This study analyzed the characteristics of the perceived competency in student evaluating task from work experience, as well as observing the difference in the perceived importance of the skill and the actual performance level of the admission officers, based on the competence drawn. For this study, Study 1 used the concept map, while Study 2 used the IPA analysis method. In Study 1 conducted the multidimensional scaling (MDS) and hierarchical cluster analysis to rate the importance level of each core sentence. The analysis showed that a total of 93 core sentences were clustered into: (1) ‘the understanding of the student/major’, (2) ‘ability to evaluate the documents quickly, accurately, and insightfully’, (3) ‘vocation development through self-understanding’, (4) ‘Understanding of the high school curriculum and its characteristics’. Furthermore, the results of the importance rating showed that Cluster 3 (vocation development through self-understanding) showed the highest level of importance. Study 2 compared the perceived competency importance and the actual performance, using paired t-test. The results showed that from the 93 competency list, there were significant differences in 37 competencies; out of 37, 36 of them showed lower performance than the perceived importance in the specific competency. Finally, this study suggested its implications based on the results, as well as providing directions for future studies based on the study’s limitations.
Although the issue of gender differences in risk taking behavior has been an interesting issue of industrial and organizational psychology fields, there is no univocal agreement on this topic. In this paper, we try to find supportive evidence that gender affects risk-taking behavior that is moderated by the frame. In addition, we extend the previous findings by adding variables such as ambition, responsibility, and internal locus of control. As expected, gender and frame interact to influence risk-taking behavior, such that positively framed men are prone to take more risks, whereas negatively framed women prefer risk-taking options. In addition, ambition and the level of internal locus of control are positively related to risk-taking behavior, while responsibility level is negatively related to risk-taking behavior. The implications and limitations of findings are discussed.
The purpose of the present study was to examine the influence of participation in informal organization on the job satisfaction. This study also attempted to find out the mediating effects of utility of informal organization in the relationship between participation and job satisfaction. Based on previous research, we classified utility into affective, communication, instrumental utility. Data were collected from 206 workers employed in various organizations. It was found that participation in informal organization were significantly related with high job satisfaction. In addition, the toeal utility were fully mediating the relationship between participation and job satisfaction. Affective, communication utilities had full mediating effects and instrumental utility had a partial mediating effect. This finding suggest that organizations should actively support informal organizations and find the way to encourage employees to participate informal organizations.
This study examined the factors that may affect the innovative behavior based on the learning organization theory and the social capital theory. Also, considering the prevalence of the team system in modern organizations, the study was carried out in team context. Specifically, the study investigated the individual-level factors (i.e., continuous learning activity and network centrality) and the team-level factors (i.e., team network density and feedback environment) as predictors of the innovative behavior. The study also tested the moderating roles of the two team factors and the mediation effect of team adaptive performance. Using the survey research method, data were collected from 158 employees in 35 teams. To test the suggested model, multi-level analysis was conducted using the HLM. The results showed positive relationships between continuous learning and innovative behavior at the individual level. and between team feedback environment and team adaptive performance at the team level. The mediation effect of adaptive performance was confirmed only between team feedback environment and innovative behavior, showing that a significant cross-level effect of team adaptive performance on innovative behavior. From the confirmed meso-mediational relationships of the team factors on the innovative behavior, this study provided theoretical and practical implications regarding the innovative behavior at team contexts.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of career planning on subjective career success through a mediating variable of positive psychological capital. Further, moderating effects of future time perspective on the relationship between career planning and positive psychological capital and coaching leadership on the relationship between positive psychological capital and subjective career success were examined. Survey was conducted to 316 employees who have been working for more than 3 months at various korean companies. After elimination of inadequate data, 291 data were obtained for further analysis. The results of structural equation analyses showed that career planing had a direct effect on subjective career success and positive psychological capital partially mediated the relationship between career planning and subjective career success. The results of hierarchial regression analyses showed that future time perspective moderated the relationship between career planning and positive psychological capital. Contrary to the hypothesis, however, the relationship between career planning and positive psychological capital was stronger for the low level group of future time perspective. Coaching leadership moderated the relationship between positive psychological capital and subjective career success. Finally, implications and limitations of this study and the directions for future research were discussed on the basis of the results.
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among newcomers’ proactive personality, information seeking behavior and organizational socialization. Specifically, This study investigated not only the main effect of newcomers’ proactive personality on information seeking behaviors which related to job and relationship building, and organizational socialization but also the moderating roles of team climate and leader behaviors on the relationships between proactive personality and information seeking behaviors, and between information seeking behaviors and organizational socialization. Online survey was conducted to 151 korean employees working for at least 3 months to 6 months and 151data were obtained for statistical analysis. Three steps of analysis procedures were carried out. First, correlation analysis was conducted and the results showed that there were positive relationship among main variables such as proactive personality, information seeking behavior, organizational socialization and etc. Second, the results of structural equitation model analyses showed that newcomers’ information seeking behaviors fully mediate proactive personality and organizational socialization. Third the results of hierarchial regression analyses showed that while leader behaviors which were specified to feedback behavior and consideration behavior moderated the relationship between information seeking behaviors and organizational socialization, Team openness did not moderate the relationship between proactive personality and information seeking behaviors. The implications and limitations of this study and the directions for future research were discussed on the basis of the results.
The purpose of this study aimed to investigate the relationships among emotional regulation stratrgies, emotional exhaustion, turnover intention and customer orientation, using data from 340 female home- study teachers through structural equation model(SEM). Service workers tends to perform surface or deep acting as emotional regulation strategy during interaction with their customers. Thus, surface and deep acting may affect differently on emotional exhaustion, turnover intention and customer orientation. The results were as follows; First, surface acting was positively related to emotional exhaustion while deep acting was negatively related. Second, emotional exhaustion influenced positively on turnover intention, and negatively on customer orientation. Third, emotional exhaustion fully mediated the relationship between surface acting and turnover intention and customer orientation. It also fully mediated the relationship between deep acting and turnover intention while partially mediated the relationship between deep acting and customer orientation. Finally, the moderating effects of social support on the relationship between emotional exhaustion and turnover intention were examined. Contrary to our expectation, the moderating effects of supervisor and peer group support showed opposite buffering effect on the relationship between emotional exhaustion and turnover intention.
As the world economy is becoming globalized, more domestic businesses are branching to overseas. Thereupon the number of expatriate workers who are getting assigned to overseas are increasing, and needs for systematic selection and training system for overseas expatriate workers are in dire needs. Nevertheless researches in this area are not enough and still inadequate level domestically. Therefore we developed the Global Competency Scale (GCS) with the purpose of the local businesses to use it to predict the possibility of successful overseas job performance and to select and train the right overseas expatriate workers. To develop the scale we conducted researches on documentations and interviews with former overseas expatriate workers and expatriate program managers in human resource department(HRD). Based on these results we developed 14 initial factors with 138 items. Using theses items we conducted both on & offline survey to people who work at global and multinational companies in Korea. With the 381 people's survey results, we implemented the cross validity. After cross validating we generated final 6 factors with 24 items. The GCS score we developed in this research shows that the degree of their goal achievement during past overseas experience and level of their satisfaction was significantly high in those criterion variables proving the criterion-related validity. Especially the GCS we developed in this research shows that after controlling the effect of English skills, still appear to have significant effect on criterion variables. Finally based on research results we discussed academical and operational implication and limitations for the further researches.
This study examines contextual factors regarding glass ceiling effects women’s impression management behaviors arguing that impression management is not always caused by personal traits, but more importantly by context. This study explores to develop a cross-cultural examination to investigate glass ceiling effects over impression management behaviors of Korean and American female managers and organizational factors as moderating variables. Impression management is the process whereby individuals control their impressions in seeking to influence the perception of others about their own image (Rosenfeld, Giacalone, & Riordan, 1995). In the literature on impression management, gender difference in adopting impression management strategies are often considered (Singh, Kumra, & Vinnicombe, 2002; Thacker & Wayne, 1995). Although those studies contributed to further studies on impression management, this study focuses on women managers who try to control their impression. Leary & Kowalski(1990) argued that impression management may be a reaction to the discrepancy between desired social image and actual one. This implies that when people recognize a threat to their social identity, they are more likely to engage in impression management. Women employees may be inclined to engage in impression management behaviors for the following reason: they are structurally positioned as minorities even though recently women have advanced in terms of the number of women and the proportion of higher positions attained(Burt, 1997; Ibarra, 1992), and they may be more likely to experience the ‘glass ceiling’ within their organization (Dencker, 2008; Kirchmeyer, 2002; Thacker, 1995). In this sense, when women managers perceive glass ceilings within their organizations, it can affect the women’s impression management behaviors(Greenhaus, et al., 1990; Wayne, et al. 1999; Kirchmeyer, 2002). Second, this study examines organizational related factors which can moderate the above relationship. Supervisory supports and organizational informal networks within organization provide women employees with a sense of psychological satisfaction not only in terms of the practical support for careers but personal relationships and work in general (Forret & Dougherty, 2001). Thus, it would be a straightforward reasoning that women employees with supervisor supports & organizational informal network support would decrease the motivation of impression management behaviors. For data collection, this study surveyed women employees who have worked for at least 5 years in financial institutions. In Korea, questionnaires were administered to deputy managers and those at higher levels of 22 financial institutions and a total of 148 were used. In the United States, a random sample was selected because researchers were limited in accessing companies. Many financial institutions were visited, questionnaires were administered to managers with subordinates in state of California and New York, total 128 were used for research. The analysis of the study shows that the more perceived glass ceiling of women managers in organizations are likely to show supervisor-focused impression management behaviors. Second, supervisor supports have significant moderating impact on the supervisor-focused impression management. Third, organization informal networks have significant moderating impact on job-focused impression management in both Korea & U.S women managers.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of team composition on team performance. A total of 67 student teams participated in their team-based task for more than 10 weeks and a team is an unit of analysis. The composition variables included demographic diversity (gender and college starting year), cognitive diversity, and Big Five personality factors. To test the hypothesis that there will be significant differences in team performance between three groups (low-, medium-, and high-diversity) varying with demographic (gender and college starting year) and cognitive diversity, one-way ANOVAs and post-hoc analyses were used. Findings regarding gender diversity revealed that team performance was greater for medium- and low-diversity groups than for high-diversity group. While findings regarding college starting year revealed that team performance was greater for low- and high-diversity groups than for medium-diversity group, findings regarding cognitive diversity measured by diversity of attending colleges revealed that team performance was greater for medium-diversity group than for high-diversity group. These findings suggest that there will be an optimal level of diversity for enhancing team performance. Then we examined the relationships between Big Five personality factors as team composition variables and team outcomes. Team extroversion showed positive relationships with the creative part and team presentation. However, the minimum of team agreeableness showed negative relationships with the logical part of team performance, which was the opposite of our hypothesis. We discussed that the personality factors for team composition could vary with task characteristics.