open access
ISSN : 1229-0696
This research examined air traffic controller performance on situation awareness (SA) tasks for routine and non-routine situations. Additionally, the difference of working memory capacity between novices and experts was analyzed. To assess SA performance, participants were asked to answer the query after the simulation was frozen. We employed 2*2*2 mixed factorial design including the between-subjects variable of air traffic controller expertise (novices, experts) and the within-subjects variables of the normality of situation (routine, non-routine), and the distracter task (yes, no) and then assessed the capacity of working memory. The results suggest that experts' performance significantly remained higher than novices for non-routine situations. When the distracter task was given, experts' SA accuracy was significantly higher than novices for both routine and non-routine situations. However, there is no difference in working memory capacity between experts and novices. These findings suggest that the performance on SA task was affected by the expertise of the professional development and training.
This study was conducted to identify the effects of P-J Fit on burnout and work engagement in a sample of 382 employees from major company. The present study attempted to find out the influences of LMX to burnout and engagement and verify the moderating effects of LMX on the influences. The results showed that P-J Fit reduced level of burnout and elevated level of work engagement and the influences were statistically significant. It means that positive influence of P-J Fit which verified in many previous researches was also founded in burnout and engagement. Next, we found that these positive effects of P-J Fit were moderated by LMX. In other words, LMX were enhancing the positive effect of P-J Fit to engagement and negative effect to burnout. It implies that people who have good relation to their superiors feel less burnout due to P-J Unfit and feel more engagement due to P-J Fit. So, the relations between people in company are as important as job characteristics for human resource management. Finally, Implications and limitations of this study are discussed.
This study investigated the relationships between various person-environment fit types and employees' mental health with a longitudinal data. I collected an initial survey data from 901 employees who had been with their organizations for 6 months at most and whose current organizations were their first employers. Of these respondents, only 297 responded to the second survey, 6 months after the first. Among these employees, 80 who left their companies were deleted. The results of correlational analyses showed that among three types of fit, person-organization fit correlated more strongly with mental health, life satisfaction, and burnout on the first and second surveys rather than did person-job fit and person-supervisor fit. Results of regression analyses also showed similar results. The implications, limitations, and future research of this study were discussed.
The present study was conducted to determine the effects of driving stress on traffic accident risk. Specifically, the study verified whether a driver's speed desire frustration plays a control role in the relations between driving stress and traffic accident risk. As a result, a driver's speed desire frustration level played a control role in the relation between driving stress and traffic accident risk. This indicates that a driver's speed desire frustration level change driving stress sensitivities, thus changing the effects of selecting coping behavior types and causing differences in total traffic accident risk. The results show that the mere concentration on driving stress management cannot sufficiently lower the traffic accident risks caused by driving stress. This is because driving stress have indirect influences on traffic accident risk. Hence, it will be necessary to seek how to reduce driving stress and control coping behavior types in order to lower the traffic accidents risk by the stress.
This study examined that the role of dispositional affectivity in the relationship between psychological contract breach and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Based on data from 318 employees, we found that when the levels of promised and delivered inducements of psychological contract breach are equal, employees’ OCB increases the absolute levels of two types of inducements increase. Furthermore, we found that dispositional affectivity moderated the relationship between psychological contract breach and OCB. While positive affectivity strengthened the relationship between the delivered inducements of breach and OCB, negative affectivity moderated the relationship between the promised inducements of breach and OCB. These results contribute the psychological contract literature and employment relationship. Implications are discussed and directions for future research are provided.
The purposes of this study were to examine the influence of proactive personality on creative behavior, the mediating effect of learning goal orientation in the relationship between proactive personality and creative behavior, the moderating effect of creative self-efficacy in the relationship between proactive personality and learning goal orientation, the moderating effects of organizational creative climate and supervisor support for creativity in the relationship between learning goal orientation and creative behavior. Data were gathered from 330 employees who were working in one organization in Korea. To reduce the effect from the common method bias, the creative behavior was rated by others(three hundred and thirty peers, subordinates, and supervisors). As a result, learning goal orientation partially mediated the relationships between proactive personality and creative behavior. Creative self-efficacy moderated the relationship between proactive personality and learning goal orientation. Organizational creative climate moderated the relationship between learning goal orientation and creative behavior. Also supervisor support for creativity had a moderating effect between learning goal orientation and creative behavior. Finally, implication of results and future research tasks were discussed with limitations.