open access
ISSN : 1229-0696
This study investigated on the conflict types, causes, and asymmetry, which can be witnessed between physicians and nurses who are the essential members of the hospital. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews of physicians and nurses who worked within the same department. The results of this exploratory research illustrated significant indications of task conflicts, relationship conflicts, and process conflicts, in accordance with Jehn’s(1997) study, among the two professions. Furthermore, there were some conflicts related to the typical in-role behavior caused by factors such as misperformance due to the lack of knowledge/skill and the partial completion or nonexecution of order along both occupations. Additionally, indications of conflict type asymmetry between physicians and nurses resulting from the differences of power and perception, and asymmetry on conflict causes even when experiencing the same type of conflict existed. The implications and the limitations of this study with invitation of suggestions to remedy such conflicts are discussed.
This article studied the impact of group diversity and kunja leadership on group performance and studied the moderating effect of kunja leadership on the relationship between group diversity and group performance from a social capital perspective. Group diversity was evaluated in terms of demographic, job-related, and value-based measures. Demographic diversity was measured by the degree of variability in age and gender within a team. Job-related diversity was measured by the degree of variability in educational levels, positions, types of jobs and by the degree of separation in team members' tenure worked with current team leader within a team. Value diversity was measured by the degree of separation in both Confucian values and in Western values found within a team. Specially, the Confucian values were measured in Ryu(2007)' Korean Confucian values, while the level of Western values using the Rokeach Value Survey. Kunja leadership refers to a team leader exhibiting moral virtues of a kunja-an ideal person in Confucian society. Group performance was evaluated by the company's executive directors. Data were collected from 288 team members, 66 team leaders and 12 executive directors in 66 teams of 10 Korean corporations. The results were as follows: Of the control variables, group size and the degree of group formalization were positively related to group performance, while a leader's tenure was negatively related to group performance. Of the independent variables, team members' tenure diversity, Western values diversity, and kunja leadership were positively related to group performance. In addition, humanity, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, and trustworthiness of kunja leadership were positively related to group performance, with courtesy having the most positive relationship. Kunja Leadership was found to positively moderate the relationship between diversity in educational levels and group performance, and to positively moderate the relationship between diversity in Confucian values and group performance. However, kunja leadership negatively moderated the relationship between diversity in Western values and group performance.
This research is aimed at identifying the features of ‘talented candidates’ sought after by professional human resources and recruiters in major companies. First, this research investigated how they perceive potential candidates by examining various standards with which candidates are evaluated in recruiting process. Various perceptions of ‘talented candidates’ was summarized into a questionnaire of 99 Q statements. The participants were then responded into ‘who you want to recruit’ and ‘who you don't want to recruit.’ The responses were subsequently subdivided by factor analysis employing the Q- Methodology. Wide perception of people’s for ‘talented candidate’ can be epitomized into a person who generates hard results, leads co-workers, and remains loyal to the organization with a proper dose of balance in professional life. They all seemed to embody the properties of a ‘passionate CEO’, an ‘eminent field expert’, or a ‘trophy-winning consultant’. To the contrary, the images of candidates unwanted by companies could be associated with the features of workers being laid off. These were a ‘couch potato with a sigh’, a ‘barely-surviver’ or ‘greedy-for-security’. Further subdividing those wanted and unwanted by companies leads to 6 categories of talents. Those wanted by companies were categorized into: ‘earlier company founder’, ‘corporate-fitter’, and ‘contract-based’. Those unwanted by companies were categorized into: ‘always-being-sacrificed’, ‘spec-builder’, and ‘need-based employee’. The categorization made clear there is a difference between talents companies crave and talents wanting to be hired, which reveals a dichotomy between a candidate and a recruiter. In the case of professional HR officials and recruiters, it was clear that a candidate with certain predispositions at company side for company were wanted more.
We examined the mediational role of goal orientations in the relations between two perfectionism dimensions(i.e., evaluative concerns and personal standards) and job burnout and professional efficacy. Survey data from a total of two hundred seventy four employees of a call center and a R&D organization showed that personal standards, a positive aspect of perfectionism, was positively related to profession efficacy, while evaluative concerns, a negative aspect of perfectionism, was also positively related to job burnout. Furthermore, each of the relations was mediated by learning goal orientation and avoiding goal orientation, respectively. The theoretical and practical implications as well as directions for future research were discussed.
The present study was conducted to examine the effect of mental war power on adjusting to military life. The participants were 1327 soldiers from Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Gangwon-do, Gyeongsang-do, and Chungchong-do. The present study utilized mental war power, subjective well-being, depression, anxiety, suicidal behavior, and social desirability scales. The results showed that the level of mental war power had a significant effect on psychological adjustment to military life even after social desirability level was statistically controlled. Based on these findings, implications of the present study and directions for future research were discussed.
In this paper, optimal experience that enhances positive affect and life satisfaction was explored based on the previous findings that defensive mechanism such as psychological detachment and relaxation does not promote positive affect but mastery experience does. Also the work-related factors and non-work-related factors among optimal experience were compared in terms of their influences on the arousal of positive affect. Lastly, the mediating effect of sleep quality on optimal experience was examined. The survey data were gathered from 142 conglomerate employees and work flow and leisure satisfaction were suggested as recovery mechanisms since each represents optimal experience in the work-related domain and non-work- related domain. In the first correlational analysis, psychological detachment and relaxation were negatively associated with negative affect whereas no significant correlation with positive affect was found, which was consistent with the previous findings. Work flow and leisure satisfaction were positively associated with positive affect while they are negatively associated with negative affect. In the hierarchical regression analysis, work flow and leisure satisfaction were compared in terms of their impacts on individuals’ affect. Predicting positive affect, work flow was the only significant predictor of the positive affect experienced next morning even when sex, age, school, usual positive/negative affect, and work satisfaction were controlled. Sleep quality significantly mediated the relation between work flow and positive affect experienced in the next morning. The result suggests that optimal experience such as work flow promotes a positive change not only in the affective level but also in the physiological level. The implications and limitations of this study and the directions for the future research were discussed.
This study was conducted to identify the effects of transformational leadership and transactional leadership on work engagement in a sample of 156 employees from major company. The present study also attempted to find out the mediating effect of psychological capital on the relationship and to investigate transformational leadership's augmentation effect on psychological capital and work engagement. The results showed that both transformational leadership and transactional leadership elevated levels of work engagement and these effects were found to be partially mediated by psychological capital. This implies that it is crucial that the role of leader who motivates employees to perceive high level of their psychological resources to create above the average performance or beyond performance expectation. Also difference test for mediating effect of psychological capital, which is a research question in this study, revealed that psychological capital had been relatively strong mediating effect on the relationship between transformational leadership and work engagement. This indicates that transformational leadership's augmentation effect on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job performance in previous research was also found in psychological capital and work engagement. Finally, Implications and limitations of these results are discussed.
The purpose of this study was to examine the difference in leisure satisfaction, job satisfaction and organization commitment according to individual vs group leisure activity and to find out whether job satisfaction mediate relationship of leisure satisfaction and organization commitment. Participants of this study were 553 employees of various organizations in Jeonbuk. Reliability Cronbach's of questionnaire was .936~.846 and validity was verified by applying confirmatory factor analysis. The collected data were statistically analyzed through t-test, correlational analysis and Structural Equation Model(SEM) with SPSS 19.0 and AMOS 19.0. As a result, we found that there were significant differences between individual and group leisure activity on leisure satisfaction, job satisfaction and organization commitment. so the employees who participated in group leisure activity is higher than employees who participated in individual leisure activity. Also, job satisfaction fully mediated the relationship between leisure satisfaction and organization commitment both employees who participated in individual and group leisure activity. In other words, we confirmed that participating in group leisure activity raised the level of leisure satisfaction, and leisure satisfaction effected on job satisfaction and organization commitment. Finally, we discussed significance, limitation of this study then implications for further research.
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among coaching leadership, contextual performance and creative behavior. Specifically, This study investigated not only the main effect of leader’s coaching leadership on subordinate's contextual performance and creative behavior, but also the role of organizational virtuousness and learning goal orientation on moderating these relationships. Survey was conducted to 250 employees working for 3 months at various korean companies. After elimination of inadequate data, 220 data were obtained for statistical analysis. Three steps of analysis procedures were carried out. First, factor analyses were conducted for identifying dimensions of coaching leadership, contextual performance, and organizational virtuousness. The results showed that factor structures of each of the variables were identical to those of previous studies. Second, the results of correlation analyses showed that coaching leadership was positively related to both contextual performance and creative behavior. Third, the results of hierarchial regression analyses showed that while organizational virtuousness moderated the relationship between coaching leadership and contextual performance, learning goal orientation did not moderated the relationship between coaching leadership and creative behavior. The implications and limitations of this study and the directions for future research were discussed on the basis of the results.
The first purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between job autonomy and innovation behavior. The second purpose was to examine the moderating effect of proactive personality and openness to experience on the relationship between job autonomy and job satisfaction, And the third purpose was to examine the moderating effects of climate for innovation on the relationship between job satisfaction and innovation behavior. Data were gathered from 338 employees who were working in various organizations in Korea. As results, job autonomy had positive relationship with job satisfaction and innovation behavior, and job satisfaction had mediation effect on the relationship between job autonomy and innovation behavior. Proactive personality and openness to experience had moderating effects on the relationship job autonomy and job satisfaction because the relationship was more positive when proactive personality and openness to experience was high than low. Also climate for innovation had moderating effect on the relationship job satisfaction and innovation behavior because the relationship was more positive when climate for innovation was high than low. The implications for research and practice, limitations, and future research tasks were discussed.
The purposes of this study were to examine the influence of emotional intelligence on adaptive performance, the mediating effect of self-efficacy on the relationship between emotional intelligence and adaptive performance, and the moderating effects of change leadership and climate for innovation on the relationship between self-efficacy and adaptive performance. Data were gathered from 198 employees who were working in various organizations in Korea. To reduce the effect from common method bias, the adaptive performance was rated by both self and others(one hundred and ninety-eight peers or supervisors). As results, there was significantly positive relationship between emotional intelligence and adaptive performance. Self-efficacy partially mediated the relationships between emotional intelligence and self-rating adaptive performance, and fully mediated the relationships between emotional intelligence and other-rating adaptive performance. Change leadership moderated the relationship between self-efficacy and other-rating adaptive performance because the relationship was more positive when change leadership was high than low. Also climate for innovation had the moderating effect on the relationship self-efficacy and both self-rating and other-rating adaptive performance because the relationship was more positive when climate for innovation was high than low. Finally, implication of results and future research tasks were discussed with limitations.