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ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was first to exmine the influence of career and organizational commitment on subjective career success, and mediating role of career and organizational commitment between proactive personality and career success. Second, moderating and mediating effects of self-efficacy between subjective career success and future time perspective were exmined. Third, the mediation role of the future time perspective between active aging and subjective career success was exmined. Data was collected on 144 retired emploees above 55 years old, and 256 employees ranged from 55 to 70 years old. Results first showed that career and organizational commitment had main effect on subjective and objective career success. Second, it indicated that career and organizational commitment mediated the relationship between proactive personality and career success. Third, the results of hierarchical regression and structural equation modeling showed that self-efficacy moderated and mediated the relationship between subjective career success and future time perspective. Lastly, the results of structural eqauation modeling indicated mediating effect of futre time perspective on relationship between subjective career success and active aging. Finally, implications of the results, limitations of this study, and directions of future research were discussed.
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