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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of personality (openness, neuroticism) and leader consideration behavior on team cohesiveness. The present study tests the mediating effect of psychological safety in the relationship between personality (openness, neuroticism) and team cohesiveness. While openness and neuroticism were examined as individual-level variables, leader consideration behavior, relationship conflict, psychological safety, and team cohesiveness were analyzed in team-level. Sequential mediation effects of relationship conflict and psychological safety on the relationship between leader consideration behavior and team cohesiveness were also examined. Data were collected from a total of 35 teams comprised of 194 students using survey. The results showed that psychological safety mediated the relationship between neuroticism and team cohesiveness. However, the mediating effect of openness was not significant. Moreover, relationship conflict and psychological safety sequentially mediated the relationship between leader consideration behavior and team cohesiveness. Based on these results, implications, limitations of research, and suggestions for the future research are discussed.
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