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The Effect of Goal-focused Self Regulation on Life Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Work-life Balance and a Moderating Effect of WLB Organizational Culture


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among goal-focused self regulation, Life satisfaction, and work-life balance. Specifically, this study investigated the mediating role of work-life balance on the relationship between goal-focused self regulation life satisfaction. In addition, this study examined a moderating effect of WLB organizational culture on the relationship between work-life balance and life satisfaction. Data were collected from 216 Korean employees who were working in various organization via online survey, and 200 data were used for analyses. The findings were as follows: First, there were positive relationships among goal-focused self regulation, life satisfaction, and work-life balance. Second, the results of structural equation analysis showed a strong support for the proposed model, and the result of bootstrapping analysis supported that the effect of goal-focused self regulation on life satisfaction was partially mediated by work-life balance. Third, the results of hierarchical analysis showed that there was a moderating effect of WLB organizational culture on the relationship between work-life balance and life satisfaction. Based on these results, implications and limitations of this study with the directions for future research were discussed.

목표 중심 자기조절, 삶의 만족, 일과 삶의 균형, 조직문화, Goal-focused self regulation, Life satisfaction, Work-life balance, Organizational culture



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