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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of perceived overqualification on turnover intention and the interaction effect of perceived organizational support, distributive justice, and regulatory focus tendency(promotion/prevention) on the relationship between perceived overqualification and turnover intention. For the study, the survey was conducted on 250 employees working at various companies in Korea. Results indicated that perceived overqualification was positively related to turnover intention. The three-way interaction effect of perceived overqualification, perceived organizational support, and regulatory focus tendency was significant on turnover intention. Also the three-way interaction effect of perceived overqualification, distributive justice, and regulatory focus tendency was significant on turnover intention. This study provided important implications for practitioners as it verified the effect of perceived overqualification on turnover intention and the moderation effects of perceived organizational support, distributive justice, and regulatory focus tendency.
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