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A Study on Correlation Analysis between Library Anxiety and Personality Traits

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2012, v.46 no.2, pp.199-217


This study analyzes the correlation between the library anxiety and personality traits. The library anxiety (LAS) and personality traits (the Korean BFI) were measured against 49 freshmen in the university. The library anxiety was average 2.57, ‘mechanical barriers’ score was the highest(2.91), subsequently was ‘affective barriers’ 2.72, ‘barriers with staff’ 2.49, ‘knowledge of library’ 2.42, and ‘comfort with the library’ score was the lowest(2.38). The personality traits had the tendency that ‘agreeableness’f actor(3.65) is higher than other 4 factors, ‘neuroticism’(3.48), ‘extraversion’(3.27), ‘openness’(2.85), and ‘conscientiousness’ (3.26). It found that ‘comfort with the library’ and ‘neuroticism’ were correlated statistically and the personality traits have an effect on library anxiety. Based on the findings, the following recommendations are made: improving the measurement tool of information anxiety, using other personality traits variables in similar researches, and developing personalized library anxiety resolution programs.

도서관 불안, 성격 유형, 5요인 성격, 직원으로 인한 불안, 정서적 불안, 도서관 안락함, 도서관에 대한 지식, 기계적 장벽, 신경증, 외향성, 개방성, 성실성, 친화성, Library Anxiety, Personality Traits, Big Five Inventory, Barriers with Staff, Affective Barriers, Comfort with the Library, Knowledge of Library, Mechanical Barriers, LAS, BFII



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science