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Analysis of Difference of Preferred Loan Books According to Personality Types of Children and Adolescents

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2013, v.47 no.4, pp.255-274


This study aims to set the criteria that can analyze and investigate the characteristics of books preferred by children and adolescents according to their personality types. To achieve this goal, the Enneagram personality test were conducted for 394 students of Year 5 from 8 primary schools and 374 students of Years 7 and 8 from 7 middle schools, which are located in Seoul and Gyunggi-do in Korea. The result of loan book was collected and analyzed. The analysis result showed that preferred books were different according to the personality types. The results of the specific values among the results of the preferred books were different depending on the central center where energy was used: brain-centered types (thought-focused), and heart-centered types (emotion-focused), and body centered-types (act-focused). This result is expected to be utilized for customized reading education according to personality types in the future.

성격유형, 대출도서, 독서성향, 독서교육, 선호도서, 어린이, 에니어그램, 청소년, Personality Type, Loan Books, Reading Tendency, Reading Education, Preferred Book, Children, Enneagram, Youth



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science