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Analysis of Public Library Operations and Uses of 16 Metropolitan Local Governments of Korea by Using the Chernoff Face Method

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2017, v.51 no.1, pp.271-287


This study aims to conduct a big data analysis of public library operations and uses of 16 metropolitan local government of Korea by using the Chernoff face method. This study is the first to use the Chernoff face method for big data analysis of library services in library and information research. The association of variables and human facial features was decided by survey. The study reveals that in general the provincial governments in Korea operate more libraries, invest more budgets, allocate more staff and hold more collections than metropolitan cities. This administration resulted in more use of libraries in provincial governments than metropolitan cities.

Public Library, Chernoff Face, Big Data Visualization, Public Library Operation, Public Library Use, 공공도서관, 체르노프 페이스, 빅데이터 시각화, 공공도서관 운영, 공공도서관 이용



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science