The importance of citation measures has been increasing in the evaluation of scholarly journals and it becomes a major issue for Korean Citation Index (KCI) journals. The Journal Impact Factor (JIF), a widely used measure for academic journals, has a problematic issue that it does not include the number of citations for a paper immediately made in the year in which the cited paper was published. On the contrary, the Diachronous Impact Factor (IMP) includes the number of citations made in the published year, but IMP is a measure for papers published a few years ago, not in the last year. It does not represent the recent value of journals effectively. To overcome these problems, Total Impact Factor (TIF) and Mean Impact Factor (MIF) are proposed as new journal citation indicators. This study calculated the performance of proposed indicators experimentally on KCI data. The result shows that TIF is a promising measure for the multidimensional evaluation of humanities and social sciences journals in Korea because it has high stability by year and includes the immediate citations of the published year.
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