ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of perceived overqualification on self-esteem and mental health by means of 2-wave panel study of college graduates. Multiple regression analysis was used to examine the effects of perceived overqualification on self-esteem and mental health. As expected, perceived overqualification had significant effect on self-esteem and mental health. This study included the unemployed to compare with the PO-High(perceived overqualification high) group and the PO-Low(perceived overqualification low) group. The PO-High group and the unemployed were lower than the PO-Low group in level of positive self-esteem and higher in level of negative self-esteem each wave. For all group, there were no difference of positive self-esteem between T1 and T2. For only the PO-Low group, there were decrease of negative self-esteem from T1 to T2. Results revealed no difference among three groups in the score of GHQ depression/anxiety at T1, but the PO-High group and the unemployed had higher score of GHQ depression/anxiety at T2. For the PO-High group and the unemployed, the score of GHQ depression/anxiety increased from T1 to T2. But for the PO-Low group, that score decreased from T1 to T2. In the score of GHQ maladjustment, the PO-High group and the unemployed had higher score than the PO-Low group each wave and only that of the PO-Low group decreased from T1 to T2. The findings support Liem's position(1992) not Jahoda(1981).
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