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A longitudinal study on antecedents and outcomes of reemployment quality


The purposes of this study were to examine importance of the quality of reemployment in an area of reemployment research and to analyze antecedents and outcome variables of the quality of reemployment with longitudinal data. Data were collected three times with six months intervals on each survey. For this study, 289 people who were unemployed at the first survey but reemployed at the second survey and remained reemployed at the final survey were analyzed. The main results were as follows: First, among the three groups(high quality of reemployment, low quality of reemployment, and continuous unemployment group) at the second survey, there were not much differences in mental health scores between the low quality group and the continuous unemployment group. Secondly, career plan, self-esteem, and job -seeking self-efficacy were significantly correlated with reemployment quality, and reemployment quality was significantly correlated with various outcome variables such as physical health, mental health, life satisfaction, and intention to turnover. Thirdly, generally reemployment quality mediated the relationships between antecedents and outcomes with some exceptions on the relationship between career plan and intention to turnover, and the relationship between job-seeking self-efficacy and intention to turnover. Based on these results, the implications and limitations of this study, and the direction for future research were discussed.

reemployment quality, career plan, self-esteem, job-seeking self-efficacy, physical health, mental health, life satisfaction, intention to turnover, reemployment quality, career plan, self-esteem, job-seeking self-efficacy, physical health, mental health, life satisfaction, intention to turnover, 재취업 질, 경력계획, 자존감, 구직효능감, 신체화, 정신건강, 생애만족, 이직의도



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