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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
Drunk driving is well known asa serious social concern because it raises the possibility to make drivers engage in traffic accidents and casualties of these accidents are heavier than any others. This study researched the relationship between drivers' confidence level and traffic accidents in DWI(Driving While Intoxicated)offenders group. Based on this relationship, paths explaining the impact of driver's confidence level on traffic accidents also have been linked. The ‘Driving Confidence Level Questionnaire’ is known to consist of four sub-factors such as ‘Insensibility to Situations’, ‘Unsafe Driving’, ‘Careless Concentration’ and ‘Self-efficacy of Driving’. The result showed that ‘Driving Confidence Level’ of DWI offenders and their speeding-offence records had positive correlations with traffic accidents. More over, in the path analysis, ‘Insensibility to Situations’ factor showed the biggest positive impact among four ‘Driving Confidence Level Questionnaire’ sub-factors on traffic accidents. This means drivers' inordinate optimistic attitude to traffic situations and their excessive self-confidence under influences of alcohol make driver's be in dangerous situations.
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