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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the Korean Work Flow Scale. First, in preliminary study we investigated work flow related scales, and developed items to measure work flow by open-ended questionnaires and group interview. In the present study, we conducted an exploratory factor analysis to find out factor structure of work flow using the responses of 508 workers from a variety of organizations in Korea. The result revealed that the nine-factor structure of this study was obviously correspondent with Csikszentmihalyi(1990)'s factor structure. Also, in order to confirm the factor structure of work flow obtained from the result exploratory factor analysis, we conducted a confirmatory factor analysis using the responses of another 508 workers from a variety of organizations, and found the nine-factor structure in this study was supported. Also, we investigated the criterion-related validity of work flow scale, and verified that work flow was significantly related to various criteria like task performance, job satisfaction, turnover intention, and so on. Furthermore, as a part of construct validation process, we examined whether work flow can be distinguished with other similar constructs in industrial and organizational psychology such as job engagement, job involvement, and organizational commitment. As a result, it was found that work flow can be well discriminated with job engagement, job involvement, and organizational commitment. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study were discussed, and the future research directions were suggested.
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