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The Effects of Driving Behavior Determinants on Dangerous Driving, Distraction and Fatigue Management


We have conducted a survey to figure which human factor can affect distraction, fatigue management, and dangerous driving such as, speeding and drunken driving. As the result of factor analysis for the driving behavior determinant questionnaire, 50 questions divided into 9 factors. 4 of those were about personnel characters and the other 5 factors were related to the driving behavior. Driving behavior determinants questionnaire was explaining drivers' characters(lack of interpersonal adaptability, situational anxiety, lack of risk sensitivity, lack of law-abidance) and driving behaviors(speeding, lack of situational adaptability, drunken driving, distraction, fatigue management). From the results of the regression analysis, lack of interpersonal adaptability, lack of risk sensitivity and lack of law-abidance showed significant impacts on speeding, drunken driving, distraction and fatigue management. We, hereby, expect that the driving behavior determinants questionnaire can be used for detecting drivers' risk factors and as the foundation of new type of driver education system.

운전행동결정요인, 과속운전, 음주운전, 주의, 피로, Driving behavior determinants, Speeding, Drunken driving, Distraction, Fatigue management, Driving behavior determinants, Speeding, Drunken driving, Distraction, Fatigue management



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