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The Effect of Commitment toward College Major on the Quality of Employment among College Graduates


This longitudinal study aimed to investigate the effects of major commitment on the quality of employment(person-jon fit, person-organization fit, overqualification, organizational commitment) after graduation among Korean college seniors(290 male, 212 female participants). Results showed that the more are participants committed to their college major, the more job is likely to compatible with their major, and also the higher is the quality of employment. To analyze the moderating effects of gender on the relation between major commitment and quality of employment, moderated multiple regression was used. The results indicated that there is significant moderating effects. That is, for male college seniors, there was significant positive relations between major commitment and quality of employment, but for female college seniors, there were no such significant relations.

major commitment, school-to-work transition, gender difference, fit, overqualification, quality of employment, college graduate, 전공몰입, 학교-직장 이행, 성차, 적합, 과잉자격, 조직몰입, 취업의 질, major commitment, school-to-work transition, gender difference, fit, overqualification, quality of employment, college graduate



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