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Antecedents of Person-Job Fit and Its Relation to Intention to Leave: Based on a Sample of Newcomers


This study was intended to examine the relations of a person-job fit to three antecedent variables and turnover intentions. Three antecedent variables such as realistic job preview, career planning, and core self-evaluation were included in this study. Using on-line survey, data were collected from 901 newcomers who had been in the organization less than 6 months. Male employees were 463(51.4%) and unmarried employees were 793(88%). AMOS was used to test the causal model. Various fit indices showed that fit of the causal model was high. Also, all the hypotheses were supported. Three antecedent variables directly influenced person-job fit, which directly influenced turnover intentions. Realistic job preview also directly influenced turnover intentions. Finally implications and future research were discussed.

개인-직무부합, 이직의도, 현실적 직무안내, 핵심자기평가, 경력계획, 신입사원, 인과적 모형, Individual-Job Fit, Turnover intentions, Realistic Job Preview, Core Self-evaluation, Career Planning, Newcomers, Causal Model, Individual-Job Fit, Turnover intentions, Realistic Job Preview, Core Self-evaluation, Career Planning, Newcomers, Causal Model



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