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ISSN : 1229-0696
Sport and the sport industry have had a tremendous impact on modern society. The development of both sport media and sport fan have significantly influenced the current sport industry. Therefore, in the sport industry, there have been attempts to better understand various psychological factors influencing sport fan behaviors such as loyalty or motivation theories. In spite of the large amount of prior research on sport fan behaviors, three have been limited research on the initial factors that explain the initial formation of sport fan and the effect of sport media on the sport industry. Consequently, it is hoped that research on the various sport medias would help the sport industry keep growing. Curiosity, which is aroused by various information and stimulation, has been regarded as an instinct that influences human exploratory behaviors. It is believed that curiosity would offer a new approach to understanding the formation of sport fan. Therefore, the purpose of this study was two-fold. First, the authors aimed to investigate the effect of curiosity on the sport media consumption. Second, based on the findings, the authors also attempted to offer new ideas for the development of the sport industry. Five hypotheses were tested with confirmatory factor analysis using structural regression models and constrained models by LISREL 8.80. The results revealed that two types of curiosity used for this study are significant factors that influence various sport media consumption. Therefore, it is believed that the effect of curiosity would be utilized in pragmatic and theoretical areas in the sport industry.
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