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The Effect of Rater Training Type on Rating Accuracy: Focusing on Interaction Effect of Accountability and Rater Mood


The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of two types of rater training on rating accuracy in performance appraisal context. It also investigated whether accountability and rater mood interact with the effects. Specifically, the study examined the effects of frame-of-reference training (FOR) and rater variability training (RVT) in terms of elevation (EL), differential elevation (DE), stereotype accuracy (SA), and DA (differential accuracy), which are conceptualized by Cronbach (1955). The study also studied 2-way interactions, comparing the differences of accuracy according to the conditions whether accountability is required or not, and positive or negative mood is imposed. In addition, it tested a 3-way interaction effect among the three conditions. The study conducted an experiment with 2 x 2 x 2 design in which 146 undergraduate students were assigned for lecture evaluation. The results revealed that accuracy in DE was improved more in RVT than FOR, while the other types of accuracy were not significantly different. The effects of accountability and mood were not found significant, either. The interaction effect of accountability and rater mood was significant in EL in the way that the accountability-required group rated more accurately when it was in positive mood whereas the accountability-not-required group was more accurate in negative mood. The other interaction effects were not significant, neither was the 3-way interaction. Theoretical and practical implications including limitations were discussed in performance appraisal context.

인사평가, 참조틀 훈련, 변산성 훈련, 책임성, 평가자 기분, Cronbach의 평가 정확성 요소, Performance Appraisal, Frame-of-Reference Training, Rater Variability Training, Accountability, Rater Mood, Cronbach's Accuracy Components



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