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Identity and Achievement Goal Orientations: The Motivational Effects of Personal and Social Identifications


Through two empirical studies, the structure of social and personal identification was examined, and the relationships between the observed identification factors and achievement goal orientations were investigated. Personal identification, social identification, and social disidentification factors were consistently observed by factor analyses from each participant groups: Service employees, manufacturing employees, and College students. Each of personal and social identification were significantly correlated with mastery approach and performance approach goal orientations in Service and Manufacturing employees. But the correlation between social identification and performance approach goal was significantly stronger than the correlation between social identification and mastery approach goal orientation in Service employees, and the correlation between personal identification and mastery approach goal was significantly stronger than the correlation between personal identification and performance approach goal orientation in Manufacturing employees. Social disidentification was significantly correlated with mastery avoidance and performance avoidance achievement goal orientations in each participant groups. Limitations of this study and directions for future studies were discussed.

개인정체화, 사회정체화, 사회비정체화, 정체성, 성취 목표 지향성, personal identification, social identification, social disidentification, identity, achievement goal orientations



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