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Development and Validation of the New Job Readiness Test


The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the New Job Readiness Test(NJRT), a new instrument to assess psychological resources during the career transition process. In the study 1, based on Krumboltz's learning theory of career choice, constructs and factors were selected through reviews of literature, interview and web survey. After developing 182 Items based on selected factors, it was able to differentiate 171 items with 22 factors through content validity test for consultants and participants of reemployment assistance center. The 171 items were tested with 402 participants of reemployment assistance center. Based on the result of a reliability analysis and an exploratory factor analysis, finally 75 items with 15 factors were selected. In the study 2, the NJRT was administered to 385 participants of reemployment assistance center. The result of an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis confirmed that the 15 factor model based on 4 constructs was meaningful. In the study 3, Correlations with MBTI(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) and SII(Strong Interest Inventory) supported the validity of NJRT. Finally, the implications and research limitations of this study were discussed.

career transition, career transition counseling, career transition assessment, New Job readiness test, 전직, 전직상담, 전직준비, 전직준비도 검사, 검사 개발



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