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The Spillover of Emotions from Work to Family: Moderating Effect of Personality and Job Satisfaction


This study aimed to investigate the spillover of emotions from work to family and the moderating effects of personality factors(extraversion and neuroticism) and job satisfaction. Using the ‘Day Reconstruction Method(DRM)’ that reconstructs the emotions of a day, we collected data concerning every episodes in a day and their concomitant emotions from a sample of 125 Korean working adults. The results of hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed the positive relationships of positive and negative emotions at work with those at home, indicating the ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ spillover of emotions from work to family. Furthermore, extraversion and neuroticism had significant moderating effects on the spillover of positive emotion: the spillover of positive emotion from work to family was stronger among extraverts, and weaker among neurotics. Contrary to our expectation, they had no such moderating effects on spillover of negative emotion. Finally, job satisfaction had a significant moderating effect on the spillover of positive affect. Some personality factors and job satisfaction seem to have moderating effects on spillover of positive emotion.

affect, emotion, spillover, work-family, neuroticism, extraversion, job satisfaction, 정서, 파급, 직장-가정, 신경증, 외향성, 직무만족



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