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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
The first purpose of this study was to examine the influences of openness, extroversion, and core self- evaluation on individuals' commitment to change and adaptive performance. And the second purpose was to examine moderating effect of change leadership on the relationship between openness, extroversion, and core self-evaluation and commitment to change. Data were collected from 200 employees of 32 different organizations that had been undergone organizational change recently. Respondents rated their openness, extroversion, core self-evaluation, and commitment to change. To reduce the effect from common method bias, the adaptive performance was rated by their peers or supervisors. The result showed that openness, extroversion, and core self-evaluation had positive relationships with commitment to change and adaptive performance, and commitment to change had mediating effect on the relationship between predictors (openness, extroversion, and core self-evaluation) and other-rating adaptive performance. There were significant moderation effects of the change leadership on the relationships between openness, extroversion, and core self-evaluation and commitment to change because the relationship was more positive when leader's change leadership was low. The implications for research and practice, limitations, and future directions were discussed.
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