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The Role of Emotional Intelligence on Emotional Labor Process: The Mediated Moderation of Emotional Intelligence


The purpose of this study was to examine the particular influences of sub-constructs of emotional intelligence which was based on the framework of Lazarus & Folkman's(1984) stress transactional model. Thus, the mediating, moderating, and mediated moderating effects was tested based on Shaufeli & Bakker's(2004) Job Demand-Resource Model in a sample of 308 hotel service employees. First, the result of mediation tests indicates that the ability to percept emotions(APE) predicts emotional labor strategy through display rule significantly. Second, the result of moderation tests, however, indicates that the ability to use emotions foster the path which was display rule about expressing positive emotion(EPE) to deep acting(DA) only. Third, testing the mediated moderation hypothesis using the technique was developed by Preacher et al.'s(2009), the result indicates that just one of two conditional indirect effect, APE to DA through EPE depends on several AUE levels, was significantly. And the simple slopes of significant conditional indirect effect with 95% of confidence interval by bootstrapping method was depicted. Finally, the implications and limitations were discussed.

emotional intelligence, emotional labor, display rule, stress transactional model, mediated moderation, 정서지능, 정서노동, 표현규칙, 스트레스 교류모형, 매개된 조절효과



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