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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
Job engagement is a motivating factor for the self-driven role performance based on strong involvement. Following the performance management perspective that expands from a simple evaluation paradigm to stimulate work motivation, the current study investigated feedback-related factors that influence on job engagement. As factors that are associated with job engagement in the formal structural aspects in organizations, the performance coaching of team leaders at the individual-level and the task interdependence at the team-level were examined. The study also investigated the mediation role of performance appraisal effectiveness between performance coaching and job engagement, and the cross-level mediation effect of feedback environment at the team level between task interdependence and job engagement. Using the survey research method, data were collected from 214 employees in 29 teams. The individual-level hypotheses were tested by adopting an analytical method that examines the mediation effect controlling for the team influence, and the team-level hypotheses were tested not only for the suggested mediation path but also for the possible alternative path through the individual-level mediator. The results of the analyses showed that there was a partial mediation role of appraisal effectiveness from performance coaching toward job engagement. The results also showed that a significant cross-level mediation effect of feedback environment on the job engagement from task interdependence, which explains mediation processes better than the alternative path. The current study has provided implications for ways to stimulate job engagement through formal and informal performance management strategies in organizations.
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